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These are the original images which were passed through Prisma to produce the evolving images... (click on the image for more)

"Ten Worlds of Rudbeckia"- an exploration into form, shape and colour using the Buddhist principle of  the Ten Worlds. If the original image is "Truth" and "Buddhahood" the other images are the product of our experience or karma ... 

"Through the Windscreen 1" - my experience of our countryside one lovely sunny day. It's amazing what we miss when we're driving and I was inspired by the shape of the clouds and the fields ...

"Through the Windscreen 2" - Taken the same day as "Through the Windscreen 1" the tree on the horizon caught my attention...

"Poppies on the Plain"  - from a photo taken by Ian West on Salisbury PLain Wiltshire

"Romsey Abbey"  - taken at Romsey Abbey in Romsey, Hampshire

"Tudor House" taken at Tudor House Museum in Southampton

20% of profits go to research into dementia and Alzheimer's Society

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